Do any of the following sound familiar?
- Do you feel your Alcohol or other Drug use is out of control?
- Do you find that once started you are not able to stop drinking?
- Are you drinking/taking drugs because you are hurting/want to forget/don’t want to ‘feel’?
- Is your daily life dominated by thoughts of when you will be drinking or using drugs next?
- Do you miss out on work commitments/social activities due to drinking/using drugs?
- Have your friends/colleagues/family or a health proffessional expressed concern about your drinking/drug use?
- Do you often feel remorse, guilt or shame after drinking?
These are some of the indicators that you might not be in charge of your drinking or drug use. Or -
- You might be seeking reassurance that you are still in charge of your drinking/drug use.
- Do you feel affected by the drinking or drug use of someone close to you?
- Did you grow up in an environment where Alcohol and Drug use was a common occurrence?
If you answer 'Yes' to any of the questions above you may want to consult a practitioner to discuss how we may be able to help.
Understanding Codependence
Codependence is addiction to outside issues to enable us to feel comfortable within ourselves. Some codependency characteristics are:
- Caretaking – believing your life is about taking care of others – and finding that your needs are not met or that you have no right to ‘expect anything from anyone’
- Low Self worth - defensive/angry – dominated by ‘shoulds’/guilt
- Denial ignoring problem/pretending they are not happening
- Lack of Trust (yourself/others)
- Power and Control issues - desperately trying to stay in charge/or feeling powerless
- Weak Boundaries - difficulties saying ‘no’ – or utilizing rigid belief patterns in order to do so
- Dependency - keeping on re-enacting dysfunctional relationship patterns – seeking love/attention from people incapable of ‘loving/caring’, looking for happiness outside yourself, believing ‘love’ equates hate; struggling with your own addiction patterns - i.e. your relationship with food, indulging in activities that help you to avoid to be emotionally present.
The Practitioners can offer:
- Comprehensive Assessment of Alcohol and Other Drug Use (also of assistance in work and legal situations)
- Individual and family alcohol and other drug counselling
- Alcohol and Drug education including drinking moderation
- Referral to treatment
- Individual therapy for co-dependency issues
Trained in addiction counselling they have extensive experience in treating problems arising from addiction – whether it is your own alcohol or drug use you might be concerned about or the affects of having lived/living in a dysfunctional family system. You can be assisted to work towards the goals you are setting for yourself and to regain control over the addiction patterns that have afflicted your life.